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Why an early morning jog is great for you

How do you like to spend your time, just after waking up in the morning and before you really begin your day? Most of us prefer to make ourselves a cup of aromatic coffee, read the newspaper or check e-mails and mentally prepare ourselves for the long day that lies ahead (or just chase around after the kids!). Does the sound of going for a morning jog, before you get dressed for work, appeal to you? The very thought of putting on our jogging shoes when we could do with a few extra minutes of sleep may seem too big an effort, but with a bit of determination and a regular routine, you’ll begin to look forward to your early morning jogs. Need more convincing? Here are a few of the benefits you’ll experience:

–       Jogging in the outdoors with the wind blowing on your face is a great perk-me-up and will refresh you within minutes (especially this time of year!). Unlike the caffeine in a cup of coffee, this refreshed feeling will last you the whole day.

–       It’s a great way to burn fat and calories. Many people with regular jobs complain that they don’t get time to work out but jogging is a great way to lose weight faster and to become slimmer. Plus, you’ll have more reasons to smile when you see your toned abdomen.

–       Jogging helps to give your body a fantastic workout inside out. It will not only strengthen your muscles and increase bone density, but also give you a lean and well toned figure. So, if you aren’t into body building, but still want to look fit, then jogging is the answer.

–       As with any cardiovascular activity, jogging helps to keep your heart and circulatory system in top shape. In fact, you’ll find a new glow in your skin, which probably wasn’t there before!

–       It’s best to increase the intensity and duration of your jogging sessions once it becomes a part of your routine. You’ll find huge improvements in your stamina and body metabolism.

–       You’ll find that your energy levels will remain high all day, and you’ll be motivated to give your best in every task you undertake.  You will feel much more alert, sharper and take better decisions too.

–       If you usually have trouble falling asleep at night, you’ll find that jogging in the morning helps you sleep better every day. Nothing like a few hours of sound sleep to give your body and mind the rest it needs.

Sure, waking up early in the morning and getting started may feel like a punishment at first, but once you begin to feel healthier and better about yourself, you’ll begin to enjoy each session. Take along your i-pod as company to catch up on your favourite tunes and don’t forget your bottle of water either!